A new recording of Aurora as a string quartet.
A journey into the philosophy of counterpoint:
through the centuries and works of some
of the greatest composers, the fugue unveils
the sense of a conversation in which
the instruments renounce their own individuality
in order to blend together in spiritual transcendence.
Standing upon the shoulders of these giants of the past,
we moderns can see far into the distance
and forever regain our innocence...
Preparing the edition for "Medea"
Melodrama by Jirí Antonín Benda [Georg Anton Benda]
(Staré Benátky, 1722 - Köstritz, 1795)
Enrico Gatti is currently working at the first edition
of the last autograph version of this famous melodrama.
Medea was composed by the Bohemian composer Georg Benda in 1775
on the libretto of the German poet and playwright Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter (1746 - 1797).
(per il testo italiano vedere più sotto)
Villa Santa Maria (Chieti), 24 - 26 November 2014
Call for papers
Istituto Abruzzese di Storia Musicale (L’Aquila - Teramo), Comune di Villa Santa Maria (Chieti), Grandezze & Meraviglie, Festival Musicale Estense (Modena), in collaboration with the Butler School of Music – The University of Texas at Austin.
Between the end of the 17th and the first decades of the 18th century Naples was again fully in charge as the capital city of the Kingdom. An impressive phenomenon of internal emigration characterizes the period, and in terms of musical life, Naples became a magnet for the uninterrupted flow of citizens from all parts of the Kingdom who were moving to the capital to begin their education in one of the four prestigious music conservatories, or to seek employment and opportunities for social improvement in the various flourishing civic institutions.
A new recording of Aurora with a wonderful original italian organ made by Luca Neri in 1647.
Listen to the original real sound of italian XVII century music...
After the Diapason d'or won on december 2012, Ensemble Aurora's complete recording of Corelli op.4 triosonatas (2 CDs. Glossa GCD 921207) was awarded on 15.02.2013 with the Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik (Alte Musik) with the following motivation:
Frische und Klarheit dieser Einspielung schaffen eine starke Präsenz.
Dies gelingt Enrico Gatti und seinem Ensemble Aurora durch eine Gleichmäßigkeit der Tongebung, die man gezügelt nennen muss, aber auch durch die solistische Besetzung.
Der Reiz dieser Interpretation liegt darin, dass man die Spannung nicht aus einer manierierten oder forcierten Spielweise bezieht, vielmehr aus einer Konzentration auf die Tonsatzstrukturen der Triosätze.(Für die Jury: Matthias Hutzel)
Fusignano, 28 - 30 novembre 2013
Celebrating the 300th Anniversary of the death of Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)
City of Fusignano and Grandezze & Meraviglie, Festival Musicale Estense,
in collaboration with Istituto Abruzzese di Storia Musicale, Royal Conservatoire, Den Haag (The Netherlands) and Butler School of Music – The University of Texas at Austin.
Three centuries after his death, Arcangelo Corelli continues to be a central figure in 17th and 18th century music history, and his compositions still are an essential aesthetic and pedagogical point of reference. Generations of musicians and composers have recognized and admired the exemplary character of Corelli’s oeuvre as a model of style and form.
Dopo i successi delle registrazioniintegrali dedicate alle op. III e V di Arcangelo Corelli, Enrico Gatti & l’Ensemble Aurora si preparano a celebrare il 300° anniversario della morte del compositore fusignate con l’incisione integrale della sua ultima raccolta di sonate a tre, pubblicata a Roma nel 1694.
Per questa nuova interpretazione l’ensemble ha affiancato agli strumenti ad arco e all’arciliuto un clavicembalo italiano originale dell’epoca, con il suo diapason storico (a=400 hz.).